Patient Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there different types of anesthesia?

There are three main types of anesthesia:  local, regional and general

Local Anesthesia:  The anesthetic drug is usually injected into the tissue to numb just the specific location of your body requireing minor surgery, for example, on the hand or foot.

Regional Anesthesia:  Your anesthesiologist makes an injection near a cluster of nerves to numb the area of your body that requires surgery.  You  might be awake or you  may be given medication to help you relax, sometimes called a sedative.  There are several kinds of regional anesthesia.  Two of the most frequently used are spinal and epidural anesthesia, which are produced by injections made with great exactness in the appropriate areas of the back.  They are frequently preferred for childbirth and prostate surgery.

General Anesthesia:  You are unconscious and have no awareness or other senssations.  There are a number of anesthetic drugs.  Some gases or vapors inhaled through a breathing  mask or tube and others are medication introduced through a vein.  During anesthesia, you are carefully monitored, controlled and treated by your anesthesiologist.  a breathing tube may be inserted through your mouth and frequently into the windpipe to maintain proper breathing during this period.  The length and level of anesthesia is calculated and constantly adjusted with great precision.  At the conclusion of surgery, your anesthesiologist will reverse the process and you will regain awareness in the recovery room.

What are the risks of anesthesia?

All operations and all anesthesia  have some risks and they are dependent upon many factors including the type of surgery and the medical condition of the patient.  Fortunately, adverse events are very rare.  Your anesthesiologist takes precautions to prevent an incident from occurring.  The specific risks of anesthesia vary with the particular procedure and the condition of the patient.  You should ask your anesthesiologist about any risks that may be associated with your anesthesia.

Can I eat or drink before my anesthesia?

As a general rule, you shoudld  not eat or drink anything after midnight before your surgery.  Under some circumstances, you may be given permission by your anesthesiologist to drink clear liquids up to a few hours prior to your procedure.

Should I take my usual medications?

Some medications should be taken and others should not.  It is important to discuss all medications with your anesthesiologist.  Do not interrupt medications unless your anesthesiologist or surgeon recommends doing so.

Should I stop smoking before my surgery?

Yes it is important to quit smoking now.  Your surgery represents a golden opportunity to do so.  There is evidence that smokers who quite at or before surgery experience fewer symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and are more likely to succeed in their attempt to stop smoking long term.  Even if it's only a week or two before surgery, there is still benefit to quitting.  

Is pain relief in my spine safe?

You can rest assured that spinal anesthesia is a safe choice for many surgeries.  When offered this type of anesthesia, many patients are concerned about serious seide effects such as paralysis and also about troubling but less dangerous side effects such as headache.  There is a common, although false, perception that these complications occur often.  In fact, spinal anesthesia has a long track record of safety, with very low rate of serious complications.

Should my throat be sore after surgery?

A sore throat after general anesthesia is no uncommon, occurring about 20-30% of the time.  In most cases it is mild and gets better without treatment over a couple of days.  It is unusual for the soreness to last longer than a few weeks.  If this does occur, please contact your physician.

Should my IV site continue to be sore and swollen after surgery?

Phlebitis is a term that means inflammation of a blood vessel.  Phlebitis occurs quite commonly after the insertion of an IV.  There is a wide variation because it depends on how phlebitis is defined, such as the place the IV is inserted, the duration that the IV has been in place, the type of material that the IV is made of, the length of the IV catheter and on the existence of other disorders such as diabetes.  If you continue to feel pain and have swelling for more than three weeks you should connect with your  physician.